Recent Update:-Haryana Police constable admits cards available now on the official website. Download Candidates can download their admit cards now.
Haryana Staff Selection commission is going to take written test for the post of Haryana Police male constable General duty on dated 31 October, 1st and 2nd November under adv no. 4/2020 category 01. Many candidates had applied for this post and now they are waiting for releasing of admit cards. Haryana Staff Selection commission has uploaded admit cards on the official website. Candidates can download their admit card from the official website of Haryana Staff Selection commission after now.
If you want to download your admit card,then for your help direct link to download admit card is provided below. You can download your admit card by visiting this link.
Haryana Police Constable Admit card
Process to Download admit card:-
- Visit the official website of HSSC.
- Click on the link download admit card for male constable adv no. 04/2020
- For your help direct link is below click on this link.
- Login with your details and download and print your admit cards.
Important Instructions for appearing in exam:-
- Candidate will bring Admit card with color photo attested by Gazetted officer.
- Report before entry time.
- Test will held on OMR sheet with Blue/Black ball pen.
- Read all the instructions written on admit card.
- Follow all the instructions according to admit card.
Important Link and details
Name of Exam | Haryana Police male constable |
state | Haryana |
Exam Date | 31 October, 1st and 2nd November |
HSSC Website | |
Direct Link For Admit Card | Click Here |
Selection Criteria
Haryana Staff Selection commission will select the eligible candidates on the basis of test and other qualification. There will be two type of test.
- Knowledge Test
- Physical Test
Knowledge Test:- There will be 80 marks exam of the objective type having 100 multiple choice questions and test shall be of 90 minutes duration.There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. Topic of Test will be General studies, General Science, Current affairs, General Reasoning, Mental Aptitude, Numerical ability, Agriculture, Animal husbandry and basic knowledge of computer.
Physical Test:-
Sr. No | Candidates | Test distance | Qualifying Time |
1 | Male | 2.5 Kilometer | 12 minutes |
2 | Female | 1.0 Kilometer | 6 minutes |
3 | Ex.-serviceman | 1.0Kilometer | 5 minutes |
Knowledge test for the post of Haryana Police male constable General duty is going to held on dated 31 October, 1st and 2nd November. Physical tset will be conducted after the declaration of the knowledge test result.
Declaration of Result
HSSC will declare the result in order of merit on the basis of marks achieved by the candidates after conducting the written knowledge test of Haryana Police male constable.